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A blockbuster larp for international players, set in modern-day U.S. “Black Friday” will be played in northwest Italy in November, 2016. Will you uncover the truth?



 Sumptuous Surprising Outrageous

The year is 1888. The place is the 18th century villa of the late scientist Amedeo Avogadro.The extravagant and known freemason Lord Scarborough has invited the most eminent members of the European high society, along with artists, intellectuals and rather whimsical guests, with the servants in their wake, to attend a posh and mysterious meeting.
In a fervent era of technological innovation, colonial conquests, exotic and decadent taste, uprising struggles for social rights both for women and lower classes, the first and the last in Society will experience on their skin what really is Power.

10 motivi per giocare a ts

  • 1 Cibo compreso nel prezzo

    Sembra incredibile, ma Terre Spezzate fornisce gratuitamente almeno un pasto al giorno a tutti i giocatori!

  • 2 Gioco per tutti

    Negli eventi di Terre Spezzate l'obiettivo è coinvolgere tutti i giocatori, nessuno escluso!

  • 3 Mostri da incubo!

    Nei live di avventura, creature terrificanti e pericolose infestano le aree di gioco e l'azione non manca mai!

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