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Black Friday international run - full trailer

Black Friday è un Gioco di Ruolo dal Vivo di ambientazione contemporanea dalle tinte cospirative, frutto della collaborazione tra creativi provenienti dalle realtà più innovative della scena italiana. Nel suggestivo scenario del Villaggio delle Stelle, trame ricche di mistero e tecnologia all’avanguardia animeranno un evento ad alto budget che saprà stupirvi ed emozionarvi.

The footage in this video has been 100% created by players, in-game, during the first runs of the larp.

Black Friday was born of an ambitious project to create an Italian larp blockbuster: a high-budget event, revolutionary in narrative, props, and set design, as well as setting an unprecedented example of collaboration between creative people from the most innovative teams in the Italian larping scene.

It was originally played in Italian in two runs in November, 2014 and it received widespread acclaim by its 140 players.

Now, we feel it's time to present it to international players in an English-language run.

A blockbuster larp for international players, set in modern-day U.S. “Black Friday” will be played in northwest Italy in November, 2016. Will you uncover the truth?