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Il Crepuscolo degli Dèi - 29 aprile - 1° maggio 2018, Vialfrè (Torino). La morte di un'era in tre giorni di larp


"Ultimo covo" (Last Hideout) was a historical larp set during the "Anni di Piombo" (The Years of Lead), "a period of social turmoil in Italy that lasted from the late 1960s until the early 1980s, marked by a wave of both left-wing and right-wing incidents of political terrorism".

It focused on the kidnapping of General Dozier, a US Army officer deployed in Italy who was captured for 42 days by the Red Brigades, a Marxist paramilitary group .

This larp was played mostly in Italian, but it included six English-speaking characters (American personnel, foreign intelligence agents, etc.) to be played by International larpers.


"Ultimo covo" lasted for three days and was ran twice, on October 13-15 and 20-22, near Turin, Northern Italy.



Full website, in English

In Italian

Leggi anche l'Evento Facebook, o i commenti dei giocatori dopo l'evento.
Guarda le fotografie del larp (di Stefano Kewan Lee, Paolo D'Angelo, Dario De Gaspari et al.) e il video reportage realizzato da Andrea Romito






Icarus - a larp in space


Facebook Event

Comments from players

Photos: Lisa Muner | Gabriele GianniniStefano Kewan Lee | Larson Kasper | Simone Biagini


Cover photo by Larson Kasper



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    In Terre Spezzate puoi interagire realmente con un mondo accuratamente scenografato, pieno di dettagli!

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