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Red Center - a larp inspired by The Handmaid's Tale

We're proud to announce "Red Center", a project by NotOnlyLarp and Terre Spezzate that will be played in Spain in November, 9th – 11th 2018.

"Red Center" is a larp for women. It is about oppression. Inspired by ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ the larp is set at the Red Center, a place where normal women are turned into handmaids. The handmaids, in Gilead society, are fertile women who are forced into breeding children with a select few men in power.


The larp will be in English, obviously; we also plan to do an Italian-language re-run in Italy, in 2019, but that will be "officially" confirmed later on.
[ITA] Abbiamo in programma di fare una replica in italiano, in Italia nel 2019; ma lo confermeremo "ufficialmente" più avanti.



10 motivi per giocare a ts

  • 1 Gioco per tutti

    Negli eventi di Terre Spezzate l'obiettivo è coinvolgere tutti i giocatori, nessuno escluso!

  • 2 Una storia da protagonista

    Tutti sono protagonisti della storia delle Terre Spezzate!

  • 3 Vicini a te!

    Gli eventi di Terre Spezzate si svolgono tra Piemonte, Lombardia, Liguria ed Emilia.

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