Hello! So Young is an Italian larp which was run, with great success, in April 2022. We will run it again in 2023 in Italian, and, thanks to the many international friends who signed up, in English as well. At this stage, we won't ask you for any money. We may ask for a small down payment in the last months of 2022.

S I G N   U P !

Several different participation fees are available, in particular many subsidized spots, and spots for young people under 25. In addition, as always, it is possible to Support the event by paying a higher fee. Each Supporter allows one person to pay for the discounted event, receives our gratitude, as well as priority in character selection. Associate Producers pay an even higher fee. Each Producer allows one person to pay the discounted fee, gets our eternal gratitude, priority in character selection above Supporters, and the possibility to agree with organizers on minor changes to their character.

The participation fee includes the cost of the larp, food, accommodation, an off-game snack on Friday and a small afterparty on Sunday. Apart from a down payment, that we will ask you to send somewhere in late 2022, fees will be collected directly at the larp, before the start of the event.

The larp includes 50 characters, of which 42 are students, and 8 are teachers. In case of sold-out, it will still be possible to register on the waiting list as a Light Character. Light Characters pay a discounted fee and receive a reduced character, with a background framed in the story but quite generic and with a reduced number of initial interactions. Apart from that they play the event normally, like all other characters. In addition, the Light Characters act as a waiting list: if one of the normal members cancels participation, one of them will replace him/her. This system will make it possible to still participate in the event, even if seats are sold out, and, with a bit of luck, to play a full character at a discounted price!

Participation fees:

sTANDaRd: 250 €
SUPPORtEr: 310 €
uNDER 25: 150 €
SUBSIdiZED: 170 € (few spots available, choose this only if you really need it)
LIgHT CHARAcTER: 190 € (it will also work as a waiting list)

21 players will be accommodated in one of the comfortable rooms in the Villa Aggazzotti b&b. All others will instead stay in the villa itself, sleeping on camping beds / mattresses (provided by us) and bringing a sleeping bag from home (it will be possible to optionally rent or buy a sleeping bag from us in case it's not convenient for you to carry it by plane). Both environments are completely in-game.
Characters who, for plot reasons, will sleep in the dormitories (i.e. in the bed & breakfast) will be explicitly marked as such on the Character Gallery. Those who choose them will be asked to pay an additional fee for the stay in the room:

b&B ACCOMMODATION: participation fee + either 30€ or 55€ (depending on the room)

S I G N   U P !