“DESAPARECIDOS” is a larp by Terre Spezzate From the same authors of “The last hideout”

Director: Gianfranca Bressan

Developed by: Paolo Righini e Paolo D’Angelo

Scenography: Massimiliano Milano

Producer: Daniela Camba

Created and Animated by: Aladino Amantini, Bernardo Chiti, Paola Tigrino

With the collaboration of: Valentina Masotti, Giacomo Sommella, Roberta Carrer, Marika Berni

English translation: with the collaboration of Paola Tigrino (and more yet to come)


The characters and the stories presented in DESAPARECIDOS are inspired by people and real facts,
but their description and characterization is totally the result of imagination.

In the writing of the event numerous liberties have been taken, especially as regards the
characterization of the characters, the images used and the succession of
the various events, which never claim to reflect the reality of the facts or behavior
of historical characters. The interpretation of the players and the evolution
of the narrative will lead to moments and events quite distant from historical reality.

It is not intention of the authors to express any specific position or to make
judgments on specific facts that actually occurred -except to condemn the use of any
form of violence by anyone- nor to diminish in any way the historical and personal tragedy
of the Chilean people and thousands of families involved in the drama of the desaparecidos.

DESAPARECIDOS is a larp by
Terre Spezzate

If you need help, feel free to contact us