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A tall Ship and an Outpost in the Caribbean. A Pirate Adventure. A Clash of Civilizations.

To our dear International players! 
Terre Spezzate's full larp calendar for 2018 will be published around January. Still, we know that playing a larp abroad demands preparation, and the sooner you know about a project that might interest you, the better.

We are therefore announcing our first English-language project for 2018, even though *we cannot yet 100% confirm* dates, prices and places. We are still working out the details, so please take this as a "pseudo-official" announcement - full informations will be published in the upcoming weeks.


RAVEN CREW - A Pirate Tale.

Tuscany (Elba Island), 19-22 April 

«There's a ship: The Gold Freighter, with a skull on its masthead, will be coming in.»

Raven Crew is a powerful Tale of Seamanship, Adventure and Clash of Civilizations. Are you Ready to get on Board a Real Tall Ship? Are you ready to Live in a Pirate Society, in a small Trading Outpost deep in the Caribbean? - (website coming soon)


Other international projects

For the second half of 2018, we would have wanted to translate and re-run Keystone/Chiave di Volta BUT unfortunately we just found out that the location will not be available for this year.

Still, we do want to run a *second* international larp in 2018, and we do have a couple of very interesting projects in the pipeline, so... keep following us :) We hope to be able to come back with a surprise in a couple of months.

And remember:"Life is too short to play bad larps" ;)





26 o 27 agosto 2017, Castello di Gorzone (Brescia). Come sarebbero principi e principesse delle favole, costretti a vivere nel mondo dei mortali?

10 motivi per giocare a ts

  • 1 Gioco per tutti

    Negli eventi di Terre Spezzate l'obiettivo è coinvolgere tutti i giocatori, nessuno escluso!

  • 2 Una storia da protagonista

    Tutti sono protagonisti della storia delle Terre Spezzate!

  • 3 Vicini a te!

    Gli eventi di Terre Spezzate si svolgono tra Piemonte, Lombardia, Liguria ed Emilia.

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